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Happy 2021!

Happy 2021 (on this BIZARRE and horrifying day)....!

Since formally going live with the rescue, it's been raining cats... Of all kinds. All over. It's exhausting. It's gone from tiny kitties to an entire community project of building shelters for ferals, to starting wellness weekends and more... WHEW. My newest two baby kittens that fell out of an AC unit sleeve and into my arms are almost ready to go home (and they go home together to a student of mine! YAY!).... It's been a whirlwind and it's just getting started.


1. If you have not liked the actual rescue page on FB, do so. And then share share share! The wider the net the more I have at my hands to work with (and the more people see how to donate, help and volunteer).

2. A potential pass along..! A cat (shock!)... I miiiiight be a Tiny Itty Kitty Kitten Queen, but sooo many other amazing felines need homes that aren’t little fuzzballs... Enter Boo! What a boy this guy is! Poor Boo got locked in a crate and left outside a vet office when his family decided they didn;t want him anymore. Sigh. You wouldn't know it, tho. He’s also quite playful, and a lap lap LAP cat!! Boo is three, fully up to date medically, neutered and such a lover! I'm trying to work with another rescue to get Boo his new forever home, so if someone you know might be thinking of a new friend and wants one cat that isn't quite as nuts as a new baby, but is still young and delicious, send them my way!

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